∇ We live up to the story we live under. And so, the question, which begs to be answered is, “whose story are you telling when talking about yourself – the story you are writing or the story someone else wrote about you?”
When you describe yourself are the words flattering holding up your best qualities or are they negative having been fed to you from someone at some time in your past that they are so a part of your emotional DNA you fail to notice the lasting lingering scar?
We tell stories every day in all settings and situations – it is a most primal form of communication – existing before written word came into practice. Stories link us to ancient traditions, myths, symbols, legends, as well as our own lived experiences. It is asking our co-worker how was their weekend or checking in with our child about their school day…this sharing of our stories is what makes for the foundation of all our relationships.
We enjoy good story tellers, too, for they can make us laugh and cry while painting a vivid picture of our world today or of place far, far away. Through stories we share our hopes and dreams, passions, joys, fears, and promises for what tomorrow may bring…because stories take place in the hard wiring of our brain – both real and imagined stories trigger our emotions and dictate our physical responses.
When the iPhone battery runs out or the electricity is lost, we still have our stories to share once the sun has set – our stories are the emotional food to which we nurture mind, body, and spirit.
Stories are the way we think, too, bringing order and meaning to the world in which we live. How we tell our stories also speaks to the type of personality we possess, too. Do you tell an analytical story full of facts and numbers or do you use images and analogies? Do you use words that engender positive attributes or negative critiques?
How we tell our stories dictates how we view, not only our world, but our place in this world? And so, I beg the question once more:
∇ “Whose story are you telling when talking about yourself – the story you are writing or the story someone else wrote about you?” We live up to the stories we live under; and my hope for you is that you are intentionally choosing the words of your story to live by and guide you in the day to day!
May the words you choose be positive and powerful, beautiful and full of compassion for you and those around you.
May the words challenge you to live into your greatest potential with good humor and solid purpose.
May you Embrace the Power of Your Story, Today! (Because it is never too late to change the narrative!)